What Are Degradable Plastics?
The ubiquitous plastic products have facilitated people's lives, but the resulting plastic waste has caused a lot of pollution to the ecological environment. Biodegradable Bag Manufacturers have discovered that white pollution caused by plastic products led by plastic bags is harming the natural environment and people's normal lives step by step. Plastic is a synthetic polymer chemical product. Most plastics are made from non-renewable petroleum as raw materials, and are formed by polycondensation of polyols and polyacids. Unlike other garbage, the decomposer microorganisms in the environment cannot digest and degrade the chemical bonds connecting the monomers in the plastic, so they cannot be decomposed into the monomer form again. In other words, once plastics are synthesized, there is no “turn back". To deal with "white pollution", in addition to building environmental awareness, reduce the use of disposable plastic products such as Biodegradable Bag . ...